One of the most important and necessary systems in a car are the brakes. In the brakes, both the brake pads and the brake discs, among others, must be rigorously controlled.
You have to take the car to pass the rigorous controls to the mechanical workshop so that it is always ready and we do not get scared. But there are always moments or there are situations, in which it is left due to economic scarcity, neglect, lack of time… and in the end, the car cries out for parts to be changed.
You have to know certain things, such as that the brake pads are made up of 2 elements that are important, these are: a support that is metallic, which is in charge of being the base so that it can be attached and a material that is pressed, it makes friction with the brake discs and is what makes the car stop when the brake is pressed. Taking this into account, it is known that it is one of the parts of the car that wears out the most, that it is used the most and that more care must be taken so that it is always in perfect condition. Imagine having to brake suddenly or on a rainy day and having worn or very worn brake pads… the car will either brake well or directly, or brake. The accident or crash will be almost assured. So,The change of the brake pads if they are worn, should always be done. Without exceptions.
It is not nonsense to try to make the brake pads last as long as possible in good condition and without wearing out too soon, because changing the brake pads in an approved workshop easily costs between one hundred and two hundred euros. It should also be mentioned that brake pads can go up a lot in price (even if they are the same) just because of the price. It’s like everything, you pay for the brands. But there are quite cheap brands (so to speak, as if they were white brands) that will work for you, but you will pay much less. Being able to have all of them for one hundred euros and not just almost for each one that price. That is a bit of an exaggeration, paying so much more for the same thing.
Learn to drive well and know how to anticipate problems and possible adverse effects where braking is required, braking suddenly, using inappropriate tires, high speed, etc. All this adds to the wear on the brakes and the brake pads in particular. When you know how to drive well (so useful and that they now teach it in driving schools) it is extremely important, although it may not seem like it a priori. In time, it will be appreciated. Due to the rapid wear suffered by the brakes with braking.
- The pressed material that we have talked about is made by various mixtures and also shapes and therefore, they are different depending on the car, the model, the design, etc. They should always be changed by a professional, only a mechanic will advise us or change them without problems, knowing which are the best for each car and model.
- The brake pads will have to be changed basically for the most important thing, safety. Not only the one who drives the vehicle, but also the other drivers and pedestrians.
- If the brake pads are not maintained and are very worn, the problem can get worse and damage it much more, reaching the part that is metallic, the support bracket and reaching the brake disc. Before reaching these extremes (yes, it happens more than it should) because it is extremely dangerous, certain care and maintenance must be taken.
- Should we only take into account that you have to change the brake pads when the car does not brake well? Obviously not. There are other factors that will warn us not to go to extremes. For example, according to the manufacturers, it is said that after 10,000 kilometers they should already have maintenance or change the brake pads. It’s as easy as keeping it in mind.
- Another factor to take into account is that the front brake pads always wear more than the rear ones.
- In rare cases but which can occur, there are also occasions in which the brake pads can wear out more on one side than on the other. It is not common, we repeat. But it happens.
- If you are worried about whether to change them or not because you are not sure if it would be your turn now, it is as easy as taking it to the workshop and when you do maintenance on your car, the mechanic will quickly see if you need to change them due to wear or not.
- The mechanic should know when he sees it that, if the brake pads have less than 2 millimeters, they must be changed because they will wear out more soon and we would already be touching the iron (which we must avoid as much as possible).
- Even if the brake pads were worn, if the wear is not very great, they can continue. If the brake light is activated, it is already indicating that you have to take them to change.
- If while you are driving you notice and hear a kind of “squeak” or scream, it is warning you. The brake pads are worn. It will be noticeable or sound, especially when you brake the car.
- It is just as important that the brakes are perfect and can stop when needed, from minute zero, as it is also important to know how to drive correctly. A safety braking system is extremely important to avoid accidents and worse things at specific times (anything can happen).
- The feel of the brake pedals can also tell you that they are not 100 percent and that they must be changed. How will you notice? Because when it comes to braking, if you notice a certain hardness or that you have to push hard or more than you should and that they are not as smooth as usual, it is because the pads are not at their full capacity.
- Getting used to your brakes is not entirely good either… because only if someone ever takes your car can they tell you (even the same mechanic), hey, your car brakes badly or your car is hard… the result of being the same: it is braking wrong and no, it shouldn’t be like that.
- If you have noticed or thought you noticed that when braking the car has taken a little longer than normal to stop, it is that indeed, you should take it for a review. A car that is in good condition with its brakes, as soon as you step on the brake, it should stop. If it takes time to do it, take it to be looked at.
- Tricks that are used to know if the brake is working well. With the car turned off, hit the brake pedal. You will surely notice that the first time it will react and stop. Good. Now repeat it again. It is more than likely that you have noticed that now he has not reacted. Is it so? If it hasn’t braked, we were right, take it to the shop now.
- Don’t forget the brake fluid either. Equally important. According to the manufacturers, they will tell you the appropriate and correct time to change it, but in general it is usually between two and four years.
What do you need:
- Have notions of mechanics to be able to do it yourself.
- If you have decided to do it yourself or someone who knows, take it to a box to be able to work without problems. You will need the necessary equipment.
- A pair of gloves.
- Toolbox with the basic things you may need: screwdrivers, allen key, cross wrench to loosen the wheel nuts.
- Hydraulic jack to raise the car and be able to work.
- A hydraulic crane or some pillars to be able to have the car high and safe, and to be able to work calmly changing the brake pads.
- A mechanic. A professional so that he knows what he is doing and does it correctly.
- Obviously, the brake pads.
- Take the car.
If you have notions of mechanics or if someone close to you, friends or relatives is a mechanic or knows mechanics, it can work out very well for you to buy the brake pads and have them put them on you. In the event that someone you know can change your brake pads, when buying them, you can look online and compare prices to find the brake pads you need at a much cheaper price. Since you are looking to save a few euros, you save as much as you can and make sure they are not specific brands because although we will not name the brands, there are some that are very expensive. Others, doing the same, are much cheaper because they are white or unknown brands.
In recent times, there are more and more driving schools that teach you how to drive to avoid damage to the car and anticipate. For example, they teach to have a progressive driving. In other words, you will learn to anticipate risky situations and you will not have to make emergency stops or brake abruptly. It may seem silly, but the truth is that in the long run, the vehicle will appreciate it (especially the brakes).