In a vehicle, one of the most important parts apart from the tires are the shock absorbers (among others). They are as important a part as knowing that, thanks to them, we can have greater security. They are never taken into account for drivers, but professionals do know how essential they tend to be.
So what are the shock absorbers for? In summary, we can tell you that they are responsible for making them withstand impacts and also the blows that come from the tires from the asphalt. Therefore, thanks to the shock absorbers, the tires are glued to the asphalt. That would basically be his great mission (which is not small). Thinking about this, the fateful potholes, holes, bumps, speed bumps, etc. also come to mind. Anything that may be on the road, instead of being very noticeable, the shock absorbers help to make them not so “beasts” and we have greater control of the vehicle and take care that the suspension lasts a little longer.
Therefore, the more we think about what it does, the more we see that they are essential. The state of a tire practically goes hand in hand with the state of the shock absorber. So much so, that if the shock absorbers are not in good condition, they end up taking their toll (and quite a lot) on the wheels, leaving them very worn or battered.
- One of the things that not everyone (because one of the biggest drawbacks is that most drivers are neither concerned nor concerned about knowing how the shock absorbers are or what their condition is) is not having a warning light in the car that report the condition of the shock absorber. It seems that something that is so important does not have any kind of notice or is given too much importance.
- The shock absorbers, it is already clear after all that has been mentioned, that they are essential to be able to have control of the vehicle, the speed that we carry, the control of it, the direction, brakes, and a long etcetera.
- It is important or very important that the shock absorbers do not wear out and that we do not take them completely to dust. If so, they are directly a risk for whoever drives the car. The reason is that the car does not respond instantly, it is difficult for it to brake and the braking distance is much greater.
- Having the shock absorbers in poor condition greatly facilitates poor grip on the asphalt due to the loss of traction capacity of the vehicle’s tires.
- Tires on damp or wet pavement do not hold on to the ground either, therefore they are dangerous and the functioning of the abs, if they fail, can cause accidents and rapid wear of the car’s wheels.
- One of the questions that some ask themselves is almost the million dollar question. When should the shock absorbers be changed?
- Let’s see, it depends a lot on the type of vehicle, the use that is given to it, the type of driving, etc. But broadly speaking, you always have to take into account the fact that shock absorbers are compressing at five or eight thousand times per minute. Therefore, they do not stop doing constant work.
- For this reason, in many workshops or manufacturers, they recommend that they should be checked at fifty thousand or seventy thousand kilometers.
- Another fact to take into account is that the changes must be made by axles. That is to say, they should always be two by two.
- To know when to change the shock absorbers, you must take into account if the car moves rarely when you do the corners, has strange movements, you do not control the car, etc.
- How the shock absorbers are disassembled: we are going to tell whether they are from the front suspension or from the rear. Let’s start ahead.
- Always in an approved workshop, the mechanic will need a spring compressor. With this as very necessary, let’s begin.
- You have to raise the car (to be able to work without problems and have room to maneuver). The same thing gives a hydraulic jack as a column support.
- The wheel or the wheels are removed, which are necessary (depending on the area where the shock absorbers are).
- They begin by loosening the wheels through the nut that is central. Look at the upper part that is by the shock absorber. you will see it Remove that nut that is holding the shock absorber and the spring.
- Remove the crossbar that is on the bar that supports and/or stabilizes the triangle or shock.
- The shock absorber is removed from the knuckle area (or also known as the suspension arm). It can be with one or two screws.
- At the time of placing the shock absorber, you have to put the cartridge on the strut on the suspension. It is the one that fixes the spindle. To fix it, a ring will be placed, so it can be maintained.
Continuing with the disassembly, we will continue with the parts of the steering ball joints and also of the steering and the brake caliper. - Remove the cables and tubes that are flexible. They are the ones that are connected to the suspension strut. Release the shock cover bearing retainer that is on the suspension strut. Keep in mind that when fixing there are several types, it will be useful for you to recognize them.
- When they have several screws or several nuts that usually do not exceed four. Also, there may be a nut that is centered.
- With the compressor that we mentioned at the beginning (that you would need) take it and compress the spring to be able to release the bearing. The springs have to be under quite strong pressure and you don’t take it as a joke, really. It is an important step to be able to remove the bearing without problems, or suffer damage in doing so.
- There are some shocks that are cartridge type, not spring type. In those cases the disassembly will be as follows, keep reading.
- Take pressure off and loosen the ring that goes to the shock cartridge and is the suspension strut.
- We emphasize that the same thing that is very important for the brake discs and brake pads to last as long as possible, it is also that a lot of attention is paid to the shock absorbers. Something that is not usually paid much attention (as we already discussed) and as surely, many of you will be thinking that yes, it is true. Not everyone pays attention to them, in fact whoever does will be a minority. But it is important so that other things do not fail.
What do you need:
- Car.
- An approved workshop where a professional (mechanic) can make the change for us without any problem.
- Toolbox with the basics: a flat wrench, an allen wrench, a cross wrench, a screwdriver, grease, etc.
- A pair of gloves.
- A hydraulic jack, a hydraulic crane or some stable supports to be able to raise the car a bit and be able to work comfortably.
One of the things that you always have to do when you have a car, is to take into account the reviews. It is very important, although obviously not everyone can on many occasions (due to different issues) such as economics, which is the most important lately. Many are the professionals who already sound the alarm with the low influx of cars that go to the workshops to do them. This is not that it is fundraising, it is that it is dangerous. Because many vehicle systems can be damaged, very old, very worn… and a car, with the kilometers it does daily, only wears out and needs to be taken care of.
In many workshops you will be able to observe that they are directly passed over some devices and/or machines and it is directly detected if the shock absorbers need to be changed or if they still have time to pass. If the workshop recommends or warns you to do so, do not hesitate. It’s money, yes. But, above all, it is your safety (and that of everyone). Keep in mind that, above all, because not all workshops charge the same, nor are the brands the same (they vary a lot in price), it will depend on the geographical area and will depend on a long etcetera. But in general, changing the four shock absorbers can cost you almost three hundred euros (that’s nothing).
We emphasize that the same thing that is very important for the brake discs and brake pads to last as long as possible, it is also that a lot of attention is paid to the shock absorbers. Something that is not usually paid much attention (as we already discussed) and as surely, many of you will be thinking that yes, it is true. Not everyone pays attention to them, in fact whoever does will be a minority. But it is important so that other things do not fail.
If these fail, the tires do not respond as they should either, when there are potholes or bumps it will be very noticeable in the car (if they are in good condition it should hardly be noticeable), the curves will also become more noticeable, it will become dangerous to drive in the car and Worst of all is that how there is a sneak in most cars, many don’t even realize it. They think that it is something normal to have an old car, but no, it is not normal. It would be enough to take the car to a simple revision and in the same workshop they would tell you that you have to change them. For this reason, even if in the end you have to change them, it is always good to be able to make them last longer and for this, good driving is vital. Do not forget, do not run and try to drive safely and easily, they are stridency.