If you are a driver, one of your biggest fears will surely be traffic fines or administrative sanctions. Generally, the fines arrive at our house, but there are times that for whatever reason, they don’t arrive, so we have to know how to see traffic tickets just in case that happens.

A traffic ticket is a sanction from the state for breaking a traffic law. If you have a driver’s license, you probably know the laws, so at times you may have broken one, been stopped by law enforcement officers and fined. That, or you got caught by a radar or something similar.

The fines are usually notified at home, but many times it may be that the fine does not arrive. You may be traveling and you have not found out, your information may have been misreported or the letter may simply have been lost. The bad thing is that even if you have not been notified, the fine will continue and there could be surcharges.

Other times, we are in doubt if the agent of authority has fined us, or if he has decided to forgive us, so we are uneasy to see if a notification arrives or not. In this way, the state has created a way to see traffic tickets, even if they don’t reach us at home, something that will allow us to easily know if we have really been fined or not.

In this way, anyone can know if they have traffic tickets or not, just with the method that we are going to explain below. So, if you’re sleeping badly at night because you don’t know if you have a fine, that’s just over, because we’re going to explain it to you right now.

Instructions for viewing traffic tickets

  1. Enter TESTRA: TESTRA is a unified traffic notification board, which will allow you to see all the traffic tickets you have pending. If you search for TESTRA in Google, you can easily access it, where finally, once and for all, you will be able to see all the fines.
  2. Enter with a certificate: If you have an electronic certificate or plan to get one, you can directly enter TESTRA and see the sanctions in your specific case. You simply have to click on the option to enter with a certificate and in this way, you will be able to see the sanctions in a simple and exclusive way of your person. Remember that you must have the electronic certificate correctly installed on your computer to be able to use it.
  3. Enter without a certificate: If you do not have a certificate, don’t worry, since you can also see the TESTRA without having an electronic certificate. Just click on enter without a certificate and in this way, you can also enter and search manually for your file. We will get a search engine, in which we can search for the edicts and sanctions of each province, also searching for keywords. Here, you can put your name or ID, so that in this way, you can more easily find your fines.
  4. Provincial bulletin: In addition to TESTRA, they can publish the fine in a disciplinary file, in which, if you do not read, it will be considered read and they will proceed to continue. A disciplinary file is carried out when they have problems locating you, or because an agent of the authority has notified you incorrectly, or when you have changed your address. In this way, your sanctions will be posted on a bulletin board in your province and you will be asked to go to the traffic office of your province to pick up the notification and pay the fine afterwards. You can also present the corresponding appeal if you believe that the sanction is unfair.
  5. Avoid not being notified: Ideally, the fines will arrive at your home, so let’s see how we can prevent this from happening again. First of all, you must notify changes of address in traffic when you move house, something that you must do yes or yes because if not, you will be breaking a rule. Notify traffic of the change of address and then, the fines and penalties will arrive at your new home. Second, be sure to notify law enforcement officers of your details if they stop you. Many times, they can give you the wrong street or a street in another town. For example, if you have been fined in Valladolid and you live in Palencia, on a street that also exists in Valladolid (same name), the agent could get confused and send the notification to the street in Valladolid. In this way, you must make sure that they will send it to Palencia. Third, the best way to avoid being notified is to not break any rules. Drive carefully, respect the speed limits and drive according to the highway code. In this way, you will not only avoid fines, but you will also save some lives.

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