What is better, polishing by hand with a machine?

Of course, with the machine. The reason is simple, no one can achieve the results of a machine. The hand is not capable of working like a machine when it comes to painting, polishing or even maintaining a good finish. It is humanly impossible to move your hand smoothly and without fatigue across the entire surface of your car, especially at speeds between 2,500 and 6,800 rpm.

Some basic tips to keep in mind when learning how to polish car paint with a dual action polisher would be these:

  • Test a small area to ensure your technique and process are correct before proceeding to polish the entire car.
  • Use the position and combination of speeds appropriate to the age of your paint.
  • Keep the pad level on the paint surface at all times.
  • Always start with the least aggressive polish.
  • Use overlapping movements, don’t just stand on the same spot.
  • Go very slowly! Don’t run the machine over the paint too fast or the job won’t turn out.
  • Work small areas at a time so you can focus on your work.
  • More polish is not better. Use only about 3 to 4 pea-sized servings, then add more if needed.
  • Add precision when you see your polish is thin and starting to go clear.
  • Never polish in direct sunlight or when the surface is hot.
  • Never use more than one type of enamel in your polishing and buffing.
  • Keep your pads away from sharp edges.
  • Put masking tape in cracks and crevices to prevent build up and staining when polishing and finishing.
  • Never lift the paint pad when the machine is on.
  • Keep the cord over your shoulder and away from your paint.
  • Tie a loose knot around where the cord joins the extension cord, so it won’t unplug on the first little tug.
  • Make sure the lighting is good so you can see what you are doing.
  • Apply medium pressure only when trying to remove defects.

Check your work frequently to make sure the process is working.

What do you need to use a car polisher?

  1. Rotary or radial disc polisher: This is a machine that should only be used by an experienced professional, and is used to correct severe paint damage. The rotating or radial disc rotates at high speed, and in the hands of someone inexperienced, it could cause more damage than it cures, it could load the paint of the car before you know it.
  2. Variable speed, random orbit, or double action polisher. And it has more names because there are many models and brands. It usually comes in a package to be used as a sander or polisher, which is why it is double action, and has several speeds. If applied with the correct pad and speed, it is capable of removing isolated scratches, oxidation, water spots, acid rain and bird dropping marks, as well as some damage and other paint blemishes which, unfortunately, get in the way of a shimmering shine. Thanks to the variable speed, the dual action polisher is also a great maintenance tool that allows you to improve the shine, if it is previously cleaned, and rubbed with a little wax applied in thin and even coats all over the bodywork together with the sealant. or your preferred paint protectant. In these cases, this tool is effective and safe.
  3. The Wax Applicators: Wax application machines that can be commonly purchased at local auto parts stores for around $50 don’t do much more than a fluctuating or scuffing action on the paint. They usually come with a cloth lining and poorly indicate how and what the different accessories are used for. These machines can apply wax well, but offer very little when it comes to actually polishing the paint , or removing blemishes.
    Even if the box says “random spin” or “variable speed” don’t be fooled because all they are going to do is rub the surface of the car, and they do not have the effective ability to keep your paint in perfect condition. With these types of machines, you don’t get what you pay for. Thus, the Dual Action Car Polisher is the preferred polisher for professional detailers, car care enthusiasts, and even the novice who has never enjoyed holding a polisher in their hands. It is 100% safe for the do-it-yourselfer looking for a car polisher that is safe to use and provides amazing results.

Instructions for using a car polisher

  • Car
  • Polisher
  • Desire to work

Tips for using a car polisher

Basic tips and techniques for polishing your car. Don’t worry, it’s safe and easy.  Even if you have never used any type of car polisher before, you will be able to successfully polish your vehicle’s paintwork, and achieve that shiny finish you are looking for, so sit back and enjoy polishing your car. It takes a bit of technique, but most people can acquire it in about 5-10 minutes of practice. The technique is to use overlapping motions and move the polisher over your paint at a nice, “slow” speed. Just make sure you follow a pattern that allows you to make an even path across the entire surface. Find that pattern, and that’s it. Just find a way to regularly grind the entire surface and you’ve mastered the technique. Recommended Speed ​​Selection Guide:

  1. Elimination of serious defects – 5 to 5.5
  2. Elimination of minor defects – 4.5 to 5
  3. Improvement after wax wash – 4.5
  4. Removal of product residues and polishing the hood – 3.5 to 4
  5. Protection of paint from environmental aggressions – 2.5

Note: Not all paint finishes require the entire five-step process. Just proceed with the steps necessary to condition or finish the paint you need.

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