Tuning up your car is one of the most important things you can do to maximize its performance, as the car must be ready to run as smoothly as possible at all times.

Tuning up a car is carrying out a series of processes that make the car work at full capacity, that is, to optimize its power, its consumption and, ultimately, everything that is needed for a car to work correctly.

When a car is many years old or has traveled many kilometers, we notice how it begins to fail in some parts. We notice how it spends more fuel, how it no longer works the same as it did before and we notice of course how parts such as the brakes, the steering and other equally important parts no longer work the same.

The car manufacturer recommends doing the tuning every X kilometers, something in which we agree with them, since a car with a good tuning is much more efficient in every way.

The bad thing is that to tune up your vehicle there are so many things to take into account and so much to do that you don’t know where to start. This is what makes you back when it comes to doing it thoroughly, since you think that the expense is going to be very great.

Well, you should consider tuning up the car as an investment rather than as an expense, because if a car is not tuned up well, in the long run we are going to pay for it in more consumption, more repairs and even in mechanical problems that end up leaving the car completely useless.

Instructions for tuning the car

  1. Change and clean the filters: The first thing is to check the filters of the car. A filter is something that is capable of making unwanted particles enter our car. A car has several filters. Firstly, the fuel filter, which is capable of cleaning the impurities in the air that enter when adding gasoline, secondly, the air filter, which is responsible for filtering the air particles that enter with the combustion of the fuel pipe. exhaust and finally the oil filter, which is responsible for filtering the particles of the lubricating oil. Over time, these filters become too full of particles, which blocks the outlet of the filters, making the car run worse. The first thing to do is remove those particles and leave them clean and if the filters have been around for a long time, you should change them for new ones, since in the end they will be damaged, which in the worst case can leave you with the car lying in the ditch.
  2. Examine the wires and spark plugs: Today’s cars are all very electronic, that is, they have a lot of electrical wire checking various parts of the car, such as the windows, the steering and the electronic parts of the car in general. These cables must be checked, since there are times when the cables become frayed and some vital functions for the car stop working. If the cable is frayed, you must change its sheath or make a small repair with adhesive tape so that it does not get damaged. out. Once you have done it with the cables, it is the turn of the spark plugs, another vital part of the car because they are in charge of starting the car, among other things. If the spark plugs are old, you should replace them with new ones, so that the starting of the car is not compromised.
  3. Change the car’s belts, fluids and plates: Now it’s time to change the timing belts, a part that is often underestimated, but which is quite important, because if the timing belts break, the engine will suffer irreparable breakage, and we already know that putting a new engine is paradoxically worth more than the car itself. For this reason, we must change the timing belts every so often, so that they are always in good condition. Now we go with the liquids of the car, those that are in charge of lubricating the different parts. Among them we have brake fluid and lubricating oil, which must be changed from time to time, so that the car works as correctly as possible. Finally we are going to change the plates of the car, changing them every X time if you see that the car has serious starting or operating problems that require maintenance.
  4. Adjust clutch, check car battery and other parts: Now it’s the turn of last but not least car parts. The clutch must always be adjusted to the millimeter, since when taking care of such an important part as the gearbox, we must take into account that it must be adjusted whenever necessary, so that the gear change is clean and thus avoid further damage to the gearbox of our vehicle. Now it is the turn of the car battery, which may need to be changed or require maintenance in the case of being an old battery. Do not hesitate to get another battery, since the battery is perhaps one of the most important parts of the car, since without a battery, the car directly does not start. Finally, check other parts such as rear-view mirrors, seats, pedals, gear lever, trunk, hood and engine, since in a car everything counts to a greater or lesser extent. Once we have finished all this, we already have our car ready to go out on the road.

Tips for tuning the car

  • How often should you do the tuning: This is a question that always gnaws at us, since some internet sites tell you one thing, others another. Which makes us have our heads full of doubts, because there is conflicting information in our head. The best way to know how often you have to tune up is to look at the manufacturer’s manual for our car, that small manual in which it tells you everything you must do to make your car work correctly and with all the advice that must be followed for it to work well. If we are very cautious people who like to make sure that everything goes well, you can do the set-up earlier than recommended, since more security is never bad. What you can never do is delay the tune-up too long, because if you do this, the car could break down or run bad for too long. This becomes more evident if the car is old, since cars from before 1990 already require much more maintenance due to their age.

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