Undoubtedly, when we are going to buy a vehicle, one of the most important things we must do is test it, that is, quickly check if the car works before buying it. Testing a car before buying it can save you a lot of trouble.

Testing a car before buying it is something simple, but not everyone does it correctly. For example, if we want to test drive a car before buying it, we must first try to get them to let us do it and secondly, we must check all the things that are essential when it comes to checking whether a car is working properly or not.

Many people have trusted the sellers of the vehicles too much, they have not tested everything correctly and they have made a mess. A personal case that I know of was that of a man who sold a car in bad condition, but in a bad state that could only be verified if it was driven at high speed and that it would not take long to break down. However, when testing the car, it was driven at low speed, the failure was not detected and the car was sold. After a few days, the car broke down and the buyer could not claim, since it was his word against the seller’s.

The way to avoid all this is simple, you just have to test the correct operation of the vehicle and thus make the car work well. However, this is not so easy, since we must have some basics of mechanics and regulations, among other things, because if we do not know how to do this correctly, they could take advantage of us and thus leave us unable to enjoy a vehicle. in good state.

Since we live in Spain, there is a great picaresque that can get you scammed in a more serious way even than the man in the story I told before. There are many methods to hide faults, which of course should be known, since this way you can avoid major faults and make the vehicle work correctly.

If you are not a person who understands much about this subject, you have nothing to fear either, since you do not have to become Fernando Alonso’s mechanic overnight to learn this either. It is really enough that you follow these tips and that way, you can buy a car, test it beforehand and ensure that no one time you.

Instructions to test drive a car before buying it

  1. Read the ad carefully and check with the owner: The first thing to do before buying a car is to read its ad carefully, since this ad will show all the details about the vehicle. I say this because there are bugs that people detect when testing them, but there are times that they are placed in the ad. If, for example, these are posted in the ad, you have no right to claim anything, but if they are not posted, well, you do have the right, so without a doubt you will have to look at it in order to ensure that no one scams you.  So if you manage to read and see all the details about the ad, no one is going to scam you and you will be able to claim the faults that they have not made and you will not try a car with faults that you do not want, but that appear in the ad. Now that we have read everything correctly, you have to talk to the owner and show him the intention to test drive the car, something that normally they will not cause you any problem. This is because it’s a good way to close a sale, because if you don’t, they’re going to think you’re trying to hide something.
  2. Things to test in the vehicle: Once we have gone to test the car, we must check the things that we can test in the vehicle and those that must be checked further to avoid any type of scam. Some things to check are quite obvious, but there are some things that are not so obvious and should be looked at a little more closely. We are going to see right now a summary of all the things that we must check, which will ensure that the car works correctly.
    1. Engine and gearbox: This is the first thing we should check, since it is the most expensive part to repair in a vehicle and the one that can give us the most problems if it is in poor condition. In the case of the engine, we must look at it from the inside and if we don’t understand the engine, take someone with us so they can look properly. The best way to check the gearbox is to drive at all speeds, so you don’t get hit like the guy in my story. Also check the accelerator, brake and clutch pedals, as these could fail.
    2. The bodywork, the interior and the aesthetic condition: Surely the typical advertisement for a car that has been cared for and kept in a garage all its life sounds like to you, but then it is not like that. The aesthetic state makes the difference between whether this advertisement is true or not, since if the car has scratches, is dirty and has signs of use, it will mean that it has been used a lot, that it has slept on the street and that Therefore, the advertisement that they have shown us is false. For this reason, you should always look at all this with a magnifying glass and thus check if the ad is real or if it is a lie. This can be seen in the bodywork, inside the car, and it can also be seen in its aesthetic state in general, with the seats and other trims, which if they are not damaged, means that the car has not been used much and/or has asleep in the garage.
    3. Exhaust pipe, electrical system and injection system: Although the engine is one of the most important things, it is by no means the only thing that we must look at to make sure that the car works correctly. For example, we must also look at the exhaust pipe, since the exhaust pipe, if it works correctly, will make the car gain horsepower, but if it does not work, it will lose them. In addition to that, you have to look at the injection, checking the state of the car’s filters. Finally you have to look at the electrical system, which could cause breakdowns when driving, looking at the battery, the terminals and the cables, checking that they are not bare.
    4. Small details: Last but not least, you have to look at the small details, those that make a difference. You have to look to see if the seat works well, if it reclines well or not and if the upholstery is in good condition. Look at the state of the steering wheel, the gear lever, the mirrors, the back seats, the mats, what is underneath and also look at the trunk to see if it closes well or not. Also look at the tires, tire pressure, brake power and ultimately all the little details that make a difference.

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