When we have a motorcycle, it is necessary that we spend time taking care of it, especially taking care of its engine because repairs are generally very expensive, in this way we will save money and the life expectancy will be greater. It is also important to take care of the engine because it will provide us with a more comfortable and safer ride when driving, something essential in this type of vehicle. We are going to teach you how to take care of a motorcycle so that in this way we can extend its useful life. Let’s get started!
What do you need to take care of a motorcycle engine?
- Start the motorcycle and wait 5 minutes before leaving.
- Clean the motorcycle periodically.
- Clean the engine regularly, and more if you are to walk through areas of a lot of dirt
Instructions for caring for a motorcycle engine
- The first thing we have to know is that if we have not used the motorcycle for a few hours, we must start the engine and wait a few minutes before starting the march. This is because the oil is cold and does not have the necessary viscosity to start the engine, nor will it reach the top of the engine to start the motorcycle. First of all, we will begin to pump the accelerator but only two or three times, in this way we will wait until the flow of gasoline circulates and in this way we can start it.
- Something fundamental in the event that we have a motorcycle with a gearbox, is that we change little by little but without forcing it.
- It is necessary to drive efficiently so that in this way we increase the life expectancy of the engine and also so that, in terms of money, we do not spend much. In addition, on the other hand, we would be contributing to the care of the environment.
- It is important that we pay attention to the instructions of the manufacturer of our motorcycle regarding compliance with all of the recommendations for the care of our motorcycle.
- It is important that we change the oil at the time indicated by the manufacturer since this liquid becomes contaminated with metallic particles and generally causes damage to the different parts of the engine. That is why it is necessary to regularly change the oil.
- Another fundamental action that we must do with respect to our motorcycle is to cold grease the bearings every three months approximately. This produces great benefits and also extends the life expectancy of our vehicle.
- On the other hand we have to clean the engine to remove all the remains or dirt or mud that have stuck while we walk. For this we can use a toothbrush and in this way remove dirt from the engine.
- Try not to remove the fender from the bike and clean it regularly as this will help keep it clean and prevent engine damage.
Tips for caring for a motorcycle engine
If you are going to wash the engine of your motorcycle, keep in mind that you must cover all the electrical parts with bags and adhesive tape, in this way you will prevent the parts that should not get wet from getting wet.