Car insurance is a service that protects your vehicle or that of others in the event of an automobile accident.
According to current legislation, it is mandatory to contract at least one insurance that covers damages to third parties. This accident insurance does not fix your car, but it does fix the car of the person you collided with in the event of a collision (and that person’s fixes yours if that person was at fault).
Having insurance is essential to drive, not only to comply with the law, but because having good insurance makes us more secure when driving. Imagine if insurance were not mandatory and you collide with a car, you would have to pay for the repair, which could amount to thousands of euros, the price of car insurance for several years.
The insurance usually has an annual payment (some allow month by month), which usually coincides with the period of the extra Christmas pay, so that drivers can pay it without problems. Still, for people who don’t know how to save, it can be a hard blow to the economy, especially if you are young, since it is quite expensive to pay in one go.
This can put many people back when it comes to having the car, since this is one of the many expenses that the car generates, something that not everyone can afford.
However, although the price of insurance cannot be eliminated, there are little tips and tricks to pay as little as possible for car insurance, which can also be valid for motorcycle or moped insurance. With this article, you are sure to save money on insurance, guaranteed.
Instructions to save on car insurance
- Take only what you need: The first mistake that people make when taking out insurance is that they take more or less than what they need, which always makes them lose money. If you are a very prudent driver, you never have accidents and you need to save money, it is better to contract third-party insurance, since in the long term even if you have an accident, the repair will be cheaper than comprehensive insurance every year. If, on the other hand, you are a stray cannon that usually has accidents, put the insurance at all risks. Even if you pay more money now, in the long run you will save and you will have a better economy. If you do not take the car more than one season a year, it is better that you take out the insurance and deregister the car in the months that you do not use it, so as not to have to pay anything.
- Compare insurance: Insurance comparators are quite useful, since they allow you to compare thousands of insurance online with just one mouse click. There are very famous pages like Balumba or Rastreator, which compare all the insurances on the market right away. Go to one of these pages and follow the instructions, putting what you want exactly (all risk, car, motorcycle, third party). Next, the page will bring you a series of insurances ordered by price, being able to choose the cheapest insurance from all easily. In this way, you can save hundreds of euros by having the same.
- If you are young, put yourself as a second driver: As young people are reckless, we tend to have more accidents than older people. Insurance companies know this, therefore, they usually put the highest insurance price for those under 25 years of age, a prohibitive price for many people. There is a way to “cheat” the insurance and pay less, it is about putting the insurance in the name of your father or mother and putting you as the second driver. Also, if your father has insurance with the same company as yours, they will surely have discounts on your insurance. In the end you can go from paying 500 euros to paying 150 if you put one of your parents as the first driver. That if he, he can legally take the car whenever he wants, so be careful.
- Don’t have any mishap: Insurance is there to earn money, not to lose it. For this reason, the insurance gives a series of bonuses to people who do not have accidents. This is simple, people who do not have accidents are the most profitable people for insurance, since they only receive money and never pay anything, therefore, they can afford to lower their insurance premium. If you drive at the permitted speed, do not do crazy things on the road, respect the signs and therefore do not have accidents, the insurance will lower your fee year after year. Keep in mind that if you have accidents later, the bonuses will go down, so the best way to pay less for insurance is not to need it.