If you are a true race biker, preventing your motorcycle from being stolen should be one of your priorities in life, since surely if your motorcycle is stolen, you will have one of the biggest upsets you have ever had in your life.

Due to the crisis, having your motorcycle stolen is very possible, since it is much easier to steal than a car, because its size is smaller and the security systems we use to protect the motorcycle from theft are usually deficient, something that paradoxically It doesn’t happen with cars.

In addition, motorcycles are small and something small is much easier to hide from a robbery than a car, since being small, they can put it anywhere and you will never see it again.

Very modern motorcycles, it is true that they have a kind of GPS system that protects them from theft and locates them when they have been stolen. The bad news that I have for you is that motorcycles do not usually have this system very often, therefore, it is very likely that your motorcycle does not have this fabulous built-in anti-theft system.

You can get a lot of money from crime and that’s why they steal motorcycles. Therefore, normally you will not see the motorcycle circulating on the street, but rather they will disassemble the motorcycle and sell it for parts, something that means that we can never recover it again.

The good thing is that you can insure the motorcycle and prevent your motorcycle from being stolen or at least reduce the risk of it being stolen to a minimum.

What do you need to prevent my motorcycle from being stolen?

  • A trap
  • A GPS anti-theft system.

Instructions to prevent my motorcycle from being stolen

  1. Put it in the garage: Sometimes the most obvious answers are the most accurate and therefore, putting it in the garage is one of the best options that we have to take into account so that our motorcycle does not get stolen. Many times, as this option is so obvious, we do not take it into account, but when we are close to our house, we are going to put the motorcycle in the garage and thus ensure that the motorcycle is 100% safe. When the motorcycle is in the garage, we will not have to worry, since thieves do not usually enter the garage to steal our motorcycle, so whenever you are close to home, put the motorcycle in the garage.
  2. Use a padlock: Now it is time to use the padlock or motorcycle clamp that we have, which must be used in this way. In the first place, we park the motorcycle in a place that is susceptible to put the clamp, such as a tree or a fence, then we are going to put the clamp hooked to the wheel and, in turn, hooked to the place where we want the motorcycle is parked. I will tell you that this system is a deterrent, since skilled thieves are able to remove the trap, however, this will allow the less experienced thieves to be scared away.
  3. Install a GPS system: If we install an expensive GPS system on our motorcycle, we will ensure that it is always locatable. This global positioning system will allow us to know where the motorcycle is at all times, so if our motorcycle is stolen, we will be able to locate it with the push of a button on our mobile phone. Obviously this system is the best of all, however it is also the most expensive. To use it correctly, you should call the police as soon as the motorcycle has been taken from you, because if you take too long, they will disassemble it to pieces and remove the GPS.
  4. Common sense: Although it is another obvious thing, common sense is one of the most useful things in life, since it is what will allow us to know what to do when things like robberies happen. For example, common sense will tell us that we should not park motorcycles in conflictive places, since there the motorcycle is more likely to be stolen than in a residential area of ​​wealthy people. Common sense also tells us that we must leave the motorcycle well parked and put the stocks on, it tells us that we must put the motorcycle in the garage and tells us that if we have money, we must install the GPS inside it.

Tips to prevent my motorcycle from being stolen

  • What to do if your motorcycle is stolen? The first of all is to call the police, the sooner you do it the better it will be. If, for example, you do it quickly and the motorcycle has GPS, the police will be able to quickly locate the motorcycle, but if you take too long, they will have already disassembled it and it will be too late. Also try to find out the cause of the theft so it never happens to you again.

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