As is normal, as soon as we take the driving test, either the theoretical or the practical one, we are impatient to know the grade we have obtained. If this is your case, you will be able to know your note as soon as it becomes official. If you have not taken the exam on a Friday or the day before a holiday, it is normal for that grade to be published the day after you took the exam. But do not relax too much, because the DGT only gives a period of 15 days to consult them.

How to find out your driving test score?

You have just examined yourself for your driver’s license, either in the theoretical test or in the driving tests. As is normal, you are nervous and impatient to see your note, and thus know if you have passed or not.

Now comes the good news, since in a single moment and with the help of the Internet you will be able to find out for yourself. This good news is due to the fact that the DGT makes available to us a practical online system to consult the notes. This system will allow you to know the score of any driving test you have taken.

What do you need to check the driving test score?

Now that you have taken the driving test, regardless of whether it is the practical or the theoretical, you will need the following:

  • Your ID / NIE.
  • The exam date.
  • The type of driver’s license you tested for.
  • Your date of birth.

These data will be essential if you want the DGT application to show you the results and grades of the exam.

Instructions to consult the note of the driving test

Consult the note

The application of the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) that will allow you to consult the grades and failures that you had in your driving test has a fairly simple operation. With it, you will be able to see the test scores for a specific type of driving license and the specific day you took the exam. To make this query, you must follow the following steps:

  1. First of all, you will have to access the exam grade checking application of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).
  2. The first screen will ask you to enter the following information:
    • DNI or NIE number.
    • Select from the list the Class of Permit for which you have been examined.
    • The date you took the exam.
    • Your date of birth.
  3. Once the required fields are completed (they are all mandatory) you must press “Search”.
    • If you have not entered the data correctly, an error message will notify you of the problem.

Final exam grade

If all the information you have previously entered is correct, the application will show you the result you have obtained in the exam. The sections that it will show you are the following:

  1. Your personal information. Both your name and surname as well as your ID.
  2. The Permit class you tested for.
  3. The type of test you performed. It refers to whether the test you took was theoretical, circulation, skill in a closed circuit…
  4. The exam date.
  5. The exam grade. This will show you three possible results: PassFail or Not Submitted.
  6. number of errors It refers to the number of mistakes you made in the exam. This data will not be shown to you if the test was Circulation or Dexterity in Closed Circuit.

Types of fatas in the exam

Driving or practical test

If you want to know the faults you committed in the circulation test, you will see the keys that identify them according to their type of severity.

  • Eliminatory keys: Identifies the offense of the type “Eliminary severity” committed. If you make only one qualifying foul, your practical test will be failed.
  • Deficient keys: list of “Deficient severity” type faults committed. Your test will be suspended if you make two poor fouls.
  • Minor keys: list of the “Minor severity” type offenses you committed. In the event that you commit ten or more fouls, you will automatically be suspended.

If you did not commit any fault, you will see a 0 on the screen.

Skill test in closed circuit

In the event that the exam you took were practical tests in a closed circuit, a series of maneuvers are evaluated. Those maneuvers depend on the Permit type of the exam. In the table that will appear you will be able to visualize the keys of the faults committed in each one of the maneuvers and their seriousness.

  • Elimination Keys: “Elimination severity” type fouls that you committed. If you have only one foul of this type, you will be suspended.
  • Deficient Keys: list of “Deficient severity” offenses committed. Your test will be approved if you committed less than two.
  • Minor Keys: list of “Mild severity” offenses committed. You will be automatically suspended if you have committed four or more fouls.

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