The gasoline consumed when you drive and pause several times is not the same as when you are constant at a single speed, even the type of car can affect gasoline consumption, the amount of gasoline consumed by a car is not the same. 8 cylinders, to one of 4 or 6, so based on your type of driving and your type of car we can make approximate calculations when calculating gasoline consumption.
In general, common vehicles consume 1 liter of fuel for every 12 kilometers, but this measurement changes depending on the car, the state of the car, and the type of driving you do, that is, the way you drive, since If you stop frequently, more fuel is used than when you continue a course without changing your speed.
Calculating the gasoline consumption of the car helps us in more ways than one, from the fact that we can save gasoline and at the end of the month have saved a good amount of money, to avoiding the hassle of realizing that the tank is empty right when you least expect it.
Therefore, today we are going to show you the proper way to calculate gasoline consumption according to the distance you travel and the number of kilometers you can travel depending on the amount of gasoline in your tank.
Learn with us the correct way to calculate the gasoline consumption of your vehicle.
What do you need to calculate gasoline consumption?
- Calculator
- Pencil, paper
- Gasoline or diesel
- Vehicle
Instructions for calculating gasoline consumption
- There is more than one method to calculate the consumption of gasoline in the car, we can use a very simple mathematical method to perform, or we can rely on the car meter. As a first step to calculate the consumption of gasoline, we are going to make an account based on how much gasoline has been consumed per kilometer traveled, then we will multiply this amount found to know how much gasoline is consumed per kilometer and thus have a better control of the fuel used.
- To do this, we will start by traveling with the car a distance in kilometers that we already know, the distance to travel can be 100 kilometers, this distance is indicated to calculate the cost of gasoline per kilometer traveled, although it may be more, but it is recommended that it be as complete a distance as possible, that is, if you will travel a distance, it is better that it be, for example, 200 kilometers instead of 196 or 210.
- This distance can be on a road that we know well, a place where we can drive at a constant speed without changing or pausing the pace, that is, do not accelerate or slow down if possible, follow a single speed rhythm during the entire trip.
- To find out how much gasoline a car consumes, it is easier to calculate consumption if the tank is full, if the tank is half empty, the calculation can also be done, but it will be less effective, since there will not be a very exact or specific figure in terms of gasoline spent refers.
- It counts the kilometers traveled during the trip and at the end, it is better that you put the kilometer counter to 0, but if your car does not have the option to modify the counter, then you can only count the kilometers. Look at the gasoline meter, see how much gasoline has been spent on that journey. Now take a piece of paper and a pencil or a calculator, on it write the number of kilometers traveled, and the amount of fuel consumed. Divide the liters of gasoline between the kilometers traveled, then this final figure, multiply it by 100.
- For example, if you travel 300 kilometers a day, and you have filled the tank with 40 liters, of which a percentage has been used, you must divide the kilometers traveled by the amount of gasoline used. If you travel a distance of 300 kilometers with a 40-liter tank of gasoline, we make this equation, 300: 40 = 7.5, that is, kilometers traveled for every 1 liter of gasoline. But if what we want is to know how much gasoline is consumed per kilometer traveled, we will do the same equation, but in reverse, we will put 40: 300 = 0.133, that is, this car consumes approximately 133 ml of gasoline per kilometer.
- Another example is the following; if you travel 1000 kilometers daily in a car whose tank is 50 liters, we divide the kilometers traveled by gasoline, 1000: 50 = 20, thus we deduce that they are 20K/L, and if we want to know how much gasoline is per kilometer traveled, we invert the numbers, 50: 1000 = 0.05, that is, approximately 50 ml per kilometer traveled.
- We can use this equation for all types of cars regardless of how many cylinders they are, or if they are diesel or gasoline, because although the type of mileage and the condition of the car influence that, when doing this type of calculation, you are taking accounts of your self in an objective and particular way. You just have to divide the kilometers you traveled by the amount of gasoline in the tank, so you can calculate how much fuel you need to travel a predetermined number of kilometers and it will be easier to make a trip without spending more gasoline, so you can save on it and take care of your economy.
Tips for calculating gasoline consumption
- These types of equations are universal, that is, you can do them with any type of vehicle. You just have to be very clear about how much you have traveled and how much has been consumed to make the equation.
- To save gasoline, add in the tank the amount that you know you are going to use, it may be good to add a little more in case unforeseen events arise.
- In places where it is difficult to drive, such as cobbled areas, gasoline consumption may vary, but the standard measure of gasoline that is spent is very similar.
- Turning off the engine when you’re not using the car can help you save gas. You can also opt for public transport or walking instead of using the car, this way you will not only save gas, but you will also reduce carbon monoxide emissions.