With many sometimes bad roads, increasingly powerful and faster vehicles, and the life we ​​lead becoming increasingly hectic and stressful, it becomes really difficult to avoid traffic accidents.

In addition, since there is no fixed rule (if there were, there would be no more accidents), nor equations that allow us to eradicate this possibility, all we can do is work on prevention. Therefore, in this section we are going to show some techniques, habits and tips to reduce the chances of having a traffic accident, as much as possible.

Prevention is better than cure, the saying goes, and it also says that the pantheons are full of brave, urgent and gluttonous people. So let’s review the main risk factors.

However, we cannot sit back and wait for this century of oil madness to pass soon. We can always do things for our safety and that of those who accompany us on the road, inside and outside of our toxic vehicle.

What do you need to avoid traffic accidents?

  • Car
  • Common sense
  • Respect traffic

Instructions to avoid traffic accidents

  1. Undoubtedly, the first risk factor for having an accident is urgency. The worst enemy of safe driving is therefore the clock. Many times it is inevitable to leave late or find yourself in a traffic jam, or that an unforeseen event arises that forces us to be late for our appointment, something serious when it comes to a work appointment and we can be put on the street due to the well-known labor inflexibility that plagues us. to the modern world. And it’s simple, you decide which is worse whether to set the alarm earlier or wake up in the emergency room. And if we are already running late despite all the precautions, the situation is not going to be solved with dangerous overtaking, using the horn, and sticking to the one in front. In fact, what you can get like this is not getting there.
  2. Sports driving. Outside the Jarama circuit and the like, sports driving has a list of damages that if we put them all we would run out of space for this article, but let’s say a few. Goodbye economy, fuel consumption, tires, brakes, etc. turns sports driving into economic suicide. Accident rate, we will be the love of workshops, sheet metal workers, spare parts stores, dealers, insurance, the civil guard… with our salary we will be revitalizing the entire Spanish economy by ourselves. On behalf of so many guilds, thank you for driving sportily. An all-expenses-paid vacation. If you drive sportily, not only will you not be able to see how the girls look at you when you pass by with your brand new car, since at full speed you don’t have time to see anything, but sooner or later you will kill someone, and if you don’t kill yourself too , the best thing that can happen to you to lower your temper is that you spend a little time behind bars.
  3. Lack of driver education. This is an endemic disease that already seems endemic in the world, perhaps only Japan is saved, the only country in the world where true education is taught in schools, and children come home disciplined and with knowledge about respect. For the rest of the world, there is a collective craze for competitiveness that knows no bounds. They teach us in school that all that matters is to be the first in everything, and then we are surprised that people do not give way, run over at traffic lights, do not respect the signs, etc. etc. etc. We complain about the dishonesty of our politicians but they really are a reflection of ourselves, we only think of ourselves and we kill, like Belén Esteban, to be the first in everything. There is no consolation for the rest. What would we do without those powerful cars that allow us to get all that aggressiveness that we carry inside? What would we do if we could not from time to time shout a few expletives out the window, or directly get out of the car to practice a little boxing because they have passed us or scratched the car? Without these little Spanish vents, our pressure cooker would explode.
  4. The state of our vehicle. Wearing worn wheels, brakes in poor condition, poor alignment, excess load, broken or incorrectly adjusted lights, and many other cases that have to do with the maintenance of our vehicle, should be considered imprudent, I don’t know if reckless or not, but serious imprudence. If there is no other choice but to travel like this for whatever reason, all precautions must be taken, because the least of it is a fine, it is your life that is at stake.
  5. The state of the roads. This may be beyond our reach, but we can take extreme precautions in those sections with high traffic density, poor signage or pavement condition, etc.
  6. The evolutionary moment in which we find ourselves. The electric car has been around for more than 20 years, and not the egg that some companies offer us, I mean a perfect and robust light, silent, clean and safe car whose patents have not been developed due to the threat it poses to the old paradigm of combustion. It has been shown that driving an electric car is the complete opposite of sports driving because the sudden accelerations typical of fuel oil practically disappear and are replaced by driving based on inertia and stability. There are serious studies that show that driving this type of vehicle is very similar to that of bicycles in the sense of driver education, making its drivers change their thinking and attitude towards the road. This type of technology together with a variant of robotics based on sensors and actuators, which is already developed, by the way, in Japan, would prevent vehicles from colliding in the vast majority of situations, would reduce traffic accidents to levels close to zero, or categorizable of extraordinary events. However, it does not seem that humanity is yet ready to mass-produce this type of “civilized” technology, and it is likely that if any country in the world began to manufacture it, a couple of atomic bombs would fall on it.

Tips to avoid traffic accidents

  1. Do not use your mobile while driving.
  2. Frequently check the condition and pressure of the tires.
  3. Check the condition of the brakes, alignment, suspensions, etc.
  4. Check lights, mirrors, wipers…
  5. Do not push the car to the limit under any circumstances, especially if it is powerful.
  6. Do not leave trash or loose junk around the car or under the seats.
  7. Do not drive tired, sleepy, or sick.
  8. Don’t be in a hurry, if your boss insists that you have to arrive first, suggest that he set up a room to sleep in the office.
  9. No alcohol, narcotics or barbiturates when behind the wheel.

The above has to do with traffic regulations and common sense, but there are also some tips that have to do with awareness and education, such as the following:

  1. Never drive if you are stressed or in a bad mood.
  2. Give way whenever there is an opportunity to do so.
  3. Do not block the passage of anyone, emergency vehicles for being mandatory, and a stranger in a hurry too, because he could be a crazy murderer, and even if he is not, a guy with a bad vibe the sooner he gets away from you the better he will be in all the senses.
  4. Moderate your speed even if you are within the limits, believe it or not, you can enjoy a journey.
  5. Avoid distractions while driving, such as heated conversation or fighting.
  6. Anticipate the maneuvers of other drivers, and when in doubt, apply Murphy’s principle: “if something can go wrong, it will”.
  7. Adjust your driving to weather conditions.
  8. Keep an eye on the blind spots and do not trust the mirrors, that is, when you want to change lanes, do not only look at the mirrors, also turn your head to look directly.
  9. Share vehicle. If you agree with four co-workers to drive the car every day, you will not only reduce transport costs by 80%, but also the risk of having a mishap.

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