When you have bought a car, the worst thing that can happen to you are breakdowns, which mean that you have to spend a lot of money on repairs and can leave you stranded on the road.

Their severity varies, since there are some failures that are easily repaired and will hardly cost you anything, and yet there are other failures that can cost you several times the value of the vehicle, making it more profitable to buy a new one than to repair it.

Some car failures are unavoidable, caused by wear and tear, however other failures are perfectly avoidable if certain guidelines are followed and certain inappropriate behaviors that make the car prone to failures are avoided.

It is that without realizing it, you are surely causing small breakdowns in your vehicle that, although they do not damage the car directly, do cause long-term damage to it, causing certain parts to wear out little by little and without realizing it, they produce a breakdown of the fat ones.

What do you need to avoid breakdowns in a car?

  • Read this article carefully.
  • Memory and observation capacity to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

Instructions to avoid breakdowns in a car

  1. Drive efficiently: We call efficient driving all those actions that are aimed at driving that consumes less fuel and is safer for others. Here are some examples of efficient driving.
    1. Gear shifting: An efficient driver always changes gears when it’s time to, without over-or under-revving the car, as doing so ensures that the gearbox doesn’t fail and saves fuel.
    2. Correct start: Especially in diesel engines, the car must be left starting in parking for a while, so that the engine heats up and there are no problems when driving.
    3. Stops: When you are in a traffic jam and you are going to be stopped for more than a minute, we advise you to stop the engine, since this way fuel consumption is reduced.
    4. Anticipation: An efficient driver always anticipates what others are going to do, thus avoiding accidents, braking, acceleration and, ultimately, everything that damages the car excessively.
  2. Be careful when parking: When we are going to park, we must be careful if the area is dangerous, since for example parking on a curb could damage the suspension of your car in the long term, damage its wheels or cause scratches on the tires of the car. When parking, we must be careful to carry out the maneuver slowly, avoiding going up to the curbs and, of course, avoiding hitting the cars in front, behind and on the sides.
  3. Check oil, tire pressure and lights: Many people forget about basic car maintenance and focus only on driving and this is a huge mistake. Reviewing all this can mean that we have to avoid breakdowns in the short or long term. The correct tire pressure will prevent the wheels from bursting and will reduce tire wear. The proper functioning of the lubricating oil is essential for driving, which is why it should be checked and changed approximately every 10,000 km. Finally, look at the lights that appear on the car’s dashboard, which will tell you if something is wrong or not. The meaning of these lights depends a lot on the car, but it is specified in the manufacturer’s manual.
  4. Reviews in the workshop: If you want to go a step further, I will always recommend that from time to time, you visit a mechanical workshop to perform a general review of the car. The mechanic will check that all the parts of the car work as they should, if something goes wrong, the mechanic will fix it before major problems occur, saving you a lot of money in the long run on expensive repairs. Therefore, do not see revisions as an expense, but as a long-term investment that will save you a lot of money, since if you do not check the car it could happen that you end up worse than you expected, going from a simple repair from 40 euros, to an engine break of 2000 euros for example.

Tips to avoid breakdowns in a car

  • Manufacturer’s manual: Although people don’t usually give it importance, the manufacturer’s manual for your vehicle contains a lot of interesting information that will help you better understand your car and its needs. If you have doubts, I advise you to always go to the same one.

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