The EGR valve is a fairly important piece in today’s cars, which is responsible for reducing  polluting emissions from engine gases as much as possible.

Since the 1990s, there has been a great concern with the environment and with manufacturing objects that harm our planet as little as possible. Of course, cars were not going to be an exception, since they have always been characterized by emitting a lot  of carbon dioxide and other polluting gases into our atmosphere.

One of the many solutions that were proposed to pollute less were the egr valves, so called for its acronym in English for exhaust gas recirculation (exhaust gas recirculation).

But… How exactly does the egr valve work? If you came to this article looking for an answer, you have found it since I am going to explain step by step and in detail the operation of this famous valve designed to reduce air pollution.

What do you need for an egr valve?

  • Pay close attention to understand how an EGR valve works.
  • A bit of theoretical knowledge about the operation of the combustion engine of a car.

Instructions for an egr valve

  1. Operation: First we will talk about the process by which this valve works. What this valve does is open so that the combustion gases re-enter the so-called intake circuit. As these gases have already been burned by the engine, the amount of nitrogen oxide is reduced, managing to lower the burning temperature of gasoline and therefore the emission of gases. The reason for this is that in the combustion only the gases that have come from outside (those with low temperatures) will react, thus achieving the low temperature that we are looking for.
  2. Mission: The mission is mainly environmental, in which pollution and the greenhouse effect are avoided. Nitrogen oxide and other polluting gases are very harmful to the atmosphere, producing, among other things, the greenhouse effect and damage to the ozone layer. Not to mention that the gases it emits are quite annoying for pedestrians due to its smell and its density. The egr valve is really a system that works and fulfills its purpose, since it reduces the gases emitted by up to 50% and is therefore already mandatory in most combustion engine vehicles.
  3. The bad: Although the egr valve is friendly to the environment and sustainable development, let’s say it gets worse if we have to talk about power and performance. If we talk a little about chemistry, the higher the combustion temperature, the more energy and therefore power will be generated. In this valve, by limiting the combustion temperature, we will also lose a little power in our car. But without a doubt the biggest problem is the increase in breakdowns and maintenance that our car requires, since when the gases return to the engine, they can bring particles that stick to the parts of our engine, therefore its life. useful decreases. In addition, there are theories that say that fuel consumption increases a little.

Tips for an egr valve

  • What happens when you go full throttle:? Car manufacturers are not stupid, so they are not going to let a valve limit the power of their cars. When you go full throttle, the valve remains inactive, so combustion is hot and powerful. If the valve were active when we go to the top, the engine would not generate enough force to make the vehicle work correctly, with the consequent flooding of the engine.
  • Bypassing the valve and its consequences: For power lovers, I have to give you the good news that the EGR valve can be bypassed. This is done as follows: If we have old cars with a vacuum valve, the tubes that go to that valve must be disconnected and both it and the vacuum valve must be covered. For the most modern cars, it is done through the car’s electronics, in which a computer with the specific software for each car is connected and deactivated. Now we are going to see the consequences of canceling it.
    • Positives: Less fuel consumption, fewer engine breakdowns, avoids having to clean the valve every little bit and more power.
    • Negatives: Emission of polluting gases (if you don’t care about the environment, at least think that you may not pass the ITV like this), increased engine noise and some problems in the electronics of some vehicles.

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