The motorized bicycle works when we fight, this is because it would be impossible to move without the movement that we make with our feet. For this reason it is that although it has an engine, it is still considered to be a bicycle. The motor of this bicycle has a battery that can be recharged by connecting it to a charger that takes current from the electrical network.

Instructions for a motorized bicycle

  1. As we said before, the bicycle engine has a battery, which is what makes it work. Like any battery, it has a useful life of approximately 2 years. Another characteristic of the batteries is that they can be removed to change it or they can be charged while wearing it. The autonomy of these batteries is around 25 and 70 kilometers, depending on the bicycle and the engine. To charge them you only need to connect to a charger  which is connected to the electrical network.
  2. We must know that a motorized bicycle will only be able to work if we start pedaling.  For this reason, it bears the name of a bicycle and not a motorcycle. In this way the motor is not the base of the movement of the bicycle, but the base is the pedaling, otherwise it would become a motorcycle.
  3. The bicycle pedals have a sensor, which communicates directly with the motor. In this way the pedals send the information when the motor should start working. We can regulate the degree of resistance that we want the motor to provide us, but this will depend on the model of motorized bicycle that we have. Something to keep in mind is that the motor that has a maximum power of 250 W will stop when it reaches 25 kilometers per hour.
  4. If we are wondering at this moment how a motorized bicycle can work in times of rain, we are going to explain it to you. We must know that a motorized bicycle can be used at any time: whether it is raining or not. We can rest assured that the electrical parts will not be damaged at any time. What is essential to know is that when we arrive at a covered place after it has been raining, we must take a cloth and dry its electrical parts, the controllers, the wiring and the battery.

What do you need for a motorized bicycle?

  • Have a motorized bicycle
  • Pedal to make the motor start running
  • Wear a helmet when riding
  • Be prudent and drive with caution

Tips for a motorized bicycle

  • Although it is a bicycle and does not turn the engine, you should take into account that wherever you go, you must wear a helmet. Remember that with a motorized bicycle  you can ride through busy areas and at some point you may have an accident. For this reason, it is also necessary that you drive with great caution.
  • Learn the operation and needs of motorcycles.
  • You can’t forget that when it rains, you should get home or somewhere closed and dry its electrical parts, controllers, cables and its battery.

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