If you have your own car sooner or later you will have to deal with the dirt on the tires, even for experts in their first time it is difficult to clean them well until they are shiny.  Surely you do not want to complicate too much when it comes to cleaning the tires of your cars and you will be happy to know that there are as many methods as there are products to make the process somewhat easier.

Do not worry or get involved in life if you do not have a way to go to a car wash or if you do not have one nearby where you can restore the shine to your tires, in this article we show you 6 tricks to clean the tires of your car, easily and practice so that you do it yourself and do not spend a lot of money.

What do you need

  1. Hose or hydrojet.
  2. A sponge.
  3. A cotton rag.
  4. A container.
  5. A brush.
  6. 600 ml of cola.
  7. 50 thousand pinol.
  8. 100 ml of ethyl alcohol.
  9. Distilled water.
  10. Sodium bicarbonate.
  11. Long brush for cleaning rims.
  12. Sodium bicarbonate.
  13. Oven cleaner.


Here are our top six tricks to maximize your car’s shine with the minimum of elbow and tire grease.

Home tricks to clean the tires of your car?

It is normal to want to show off the tires of your car clean, since it is useless to clean your car and the tires remain dirty, it takes away elegance and a good presentation from your car. To end this problem, we have collected the 6 most used tricks when cleaning car tires, they are very practical and do not require a lot of money, we will show them to you below.

  1. Do a pre-wash of the tires with a hose.
  2. The first trick to clean the tires easily is to do a previous wash using pressurized water with a hose or hydrojet, to remove surface dirt that accumulates on the tires, to do so the steps are:
  3. Connect the hose or hydrojet to a water tube, one that allows you to stay close to the tire and gives you freedom of movement.
  4. Open the choro and make sure that the water has enough pressure when it comes out.
  5. Clean from the top and clockwise, from 1 to 12. You shouldn’t go too fast, depending on how dirty you can wait 10 to 15 seconds every hour.
  6. After you perform the prewash, you can continue with the other tricks that will help you clean the tires completely.
  7. Mix cola soda with glycerin, pinol and ethyl alcohol.
  8. A very effective trick with which you can start is to make a mixture with cola, glycerin, pinol and ethyl alcohol. It is a strong mixture that guarantees to restore the shine to the tires easily and economically, the steps you must follow to make the mixture and clean the tires are:
  9. To use this method you must first pre-wash the tires with water, so that its effect is more efficient.
  10. Look for a large container where you can make and contain the mixture.
  11. In the container add 600 ml of cola and then add 200 ml of glycerin and stir a little.  Then add 50 ml of pinol and, finally, 100 ml of ethyl alcohol and stir again until you see that all the ingredients are mixed.
  12. Then use a sponge to apply and spread the mixture all over the tire, do it in a circular way and from the center outwards, the action of the mixture will loosen the dirt and make it easier to remove with the same sponge.
  13. Once you have applied the mixture to the entire tire, remove the residue with a dry cloth.
  14. Finally, you can ensure cleanliness by applying water again on the tires and letting it dry.

Use an oven cleaner to clean the rims

As a last method and for those who have an oven at home, you can opt for an oven cleaner product, it does not need to be so expensive, this is a trick that can help us save a lot of time and obtain efficient results, the steps to use it are:

  1. Once we have pre-washed the tires, we must let them dry.
  2. When the rim is dry, we can apply the oven cleaner on the rims until it is completely covered with foam, we must let it act according to the product’s instructions, it is generally for two minutes.
  3. Once the entire rim has been covered and the product has been allowed to act, the rim can be rubbed with a dry cloth to remove the dirt and then washed with plenty of water until it is residue-free and completely shiny.


  • In order for your tires to look shiny, it is important that you follow the steps that we indicated above, they are very effective and safe tricks, but to guarantee the result and take care of your health, also follow these recommendations:
  • Wear gloves when doing each process, the mixtures can cause damage to your skin.
  • If you are allergic be careful, you can use a mask to cover your mouth and nose. You can also choose to follow the method that you know will not give you allergies.
  • Avoid getting the mixtures in your eyes and mouth.
  • Always wait for the car to be completely cold, both to guarantee the effectiveness of the tricks and to avoid accidents.
  • Surely one of these 6 tricks to clean the tires of your car will be useful to make your tires shine, while helping you save time and money.

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